Gareev R.K., Petrov B.G., Mavlyautdinova G.S., Faskhutdinov M.G.


The administrative reform spent in our country last years, has led to that institutions of the local government. It can dispose of the land reserves, minerals, fauna, water, wood and other natural resources within the limits of the given competence. It is organized and carried out direct in subordinated territory, or through the authorized bodies the control over execution of the legislation by all enterprises, establishments and the organizations, irrespective of patterns of ownership and a field of activity. In the Republic of Tatarstan region, where all sectors of economy are well developed, the problem of optimum control costs especially acute. But the system providing information data exchange between departments of a municipal and republican level is not generated yet. As a consequence it is weak using data at the development of administrative decisions of legislative and executive character.

Proceeding from understanding of geoinformation technologies as a system which structure includes components for gathering, transfers, storages, processings and deliveries of the information on the territory, there is a question on application of digital technologies in the organizational-administrative sector. The basic function of such system becomes optimization of the management by municipal formations.

During creation of the geoinformation system uniting databases of various departments, it will be necessary to solve following problems:

- functioning system in real time on the basis of the distributed computer network;

- a choice of the uniform standard for gathering, storages, processings and data transmission:

- an opportunity of the received information analysis and modelling of situations;

- creation of electronic topographic cards in scale of 1:1000 up to 1:100000, scope of territory 1000 km2.

Increasing of an overall performance of a control system in Republic of Tatarstan using modern cartographic information is the aim of the development.

The following problems should be solved as a result of the given work:

1. The uniform certificated digital cartographic basis in the scale of 1:200000 on the territory of Republic of Tatarstan for the using in the system of the acceptance of the administrative decisions.

2. Geographically adhered level-by-level thematic objects describing parameters of the social and economic development, a condition of an environment and resource potential of Republic of Tatarstan in a cut of municipal formations.

3. The directory cartographic subsystem, allowing combining the information from a departmental database with a cartographic basis and thematic layers.

Thematic layers should contain the objects in the following basic directions:

  • Nature-resource objects and using of the land reserves
  • Preservation of the environment
  • The industry and agriculture
  • Power supply
  • Education, culture, public health services
  • Trade and rendering of services to the population
  • The сharacteristic of the population and security habitation
  • Emergency services and services of the Ministry of Emergency
  • Protection of a public order

Objects of the thematic layers should be connected with the information of controls. All thematic information should be presented in a cut of municipal formations.

The spectrum of geoinformation systems using in the management of municipal formations is wide: from the city planning to operative management at extreme situations. Optimum decisions of problems are accepted in a view of the greatest possible factors, for example: a level of disease, criminal conditions or intensity of motor transport on the roads.